Focus Work

Glute/Sacrum Release:

Many of us hold much of our tension, stresses, emotions and physical pains in specific areas of the body such as the glutes.

By focusing your session on a specific area, the glutes in this case, your body will start to release enormous amounts of stress, tension and thereby physical pain(s).

Feel your body relax, feel the tension and stress just melt away as you feel your sacrum area relax right into the massage table.

Please do not be fooled into thinking the work is gentle as it is not.  Much of my work is referred to as "intense" because the feeling and release one experiences is INTENSE however once released, your body relaxes and you feel like a new person. 

Clients have said they do not feel like themselves after working with me!

My response has been... what makes you think that what you have been feeling is yourself?  We come from a bloodline therefore you may be feeling your DNA and/or your Ancestral residue not necessarily YOUR true essence!  Doing the work allows you to finally experience YOU!

Clients are amazed at how they feel once they have released the baggage of all the stresses, tensions, emotions, as well as physical and psychological pains that they have been carrying with themselves for so long.  Once they have had the awareness of how all of these stresses, tensions, emotions as well as physical and/or psychological pains were trapped in their bodies and therefore wreaking havoc, they are in awe of how free they feel after experiencing the release on the different sides of their body.

No one can quite explain the work as it is something to experience for one's self.  No one can do it for us!  It's Time to Release the Pain(s) from YOUR Body!

As the stress and tension releases from the glutes/sacrum area, you will thereby feel a release in the legs and the upper torso making this a session you could never have imagined! 

WARNING: This is INTENSE WORK! Regardless of the level of pressure exerted by the therapist, your body's tension meets the therapist's pressure which thereby INTENSIFIES THE RELEASE. Although intense, everyone has commented that the end result is worth the work! 

Neck/Shoulder/Upper Trap & Upper Spinal Release:

The neck, shoulders, upper traps & upper spinal area is another specific area of the body we hold much of our tensions, stresses, emotions as well as our physical and/or psychological pain(s).

Just like Glute/Sacrum focus work, choosing this area of focus will direct your session on these specific areas which will thereby result in your body starting to release enormous amounts of stress, tension and thereby physical, emotional and psychological pain(s) that you have been unconsciously carrying with you.

Feel your body relax, feel the tension and stress just melt away as you feel your neck, shoulders, upper traps and upper spinal areas relax right before your eyes.

If you carry tension, stress, pains as well as your emotions in this area of your body, you may notice that you have what many people refer to as a “hump”.  The "hump" appears where the spine meets the shoulders as it rounds down into the neck. 

Are you wondering why this is? 

The answer is simple, you have blockages in the body and once these blockages are released so is your pain(s) and so is the "hump".  You may notice your head floating back to center rather than rolling forward thereby making it uncomfortable when you sleep, eat, drink, speak and/or move.

Please do not get alarmed by the word blockages as we have many systems in our body that allow us to function daily.  One of those systems is the lymphatic system.  This system allows everything to flow in the body however if there is a blockage or backup in your lymphatic system due to many reasons mentioned above and more, you will have a "hump" and resulting pain(s).

Consider this, if there is no clog in our bathroom sink the water flows through the pipe to its destination which is out of the house.  If there is a clog or blockage in the pipe then the water backs up into the sink.

Think of your body as the sink and everything internally as the piping system.  If we have a clog or blockage in our internal piping system then things backup thereby causing pressure and pain(s) within our system, our bodies.  Make Sense, Right?!

By working this area, you will release the tension and feel that "hump" reduce in size.

You will feel the body draining whatever was stuck within your system(s) which thereby results in freed energy and movement within the body!

I have had people contact me after the sessions and say... “My hump is gone!”

WARNING: This is INTENSE WORK! Regardless of the level of pressure exerted by the therapist, your body's tension meets the therapist's pressure which thereby INTENSIFIES THE RELEASE. Although intense, everyone has commented that the end result is 
worth the work! 

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